Friday, July 24, 2009

Chrisette Michele on Beyonce's EGO

Okay there has been talk that Beyonce's hit single "Ego" was for Soul Star Chrisette Michele and also that she wrote parts of the song and the song was for her but she truned it down so one of the writes Rico Love gave it to Beyonce...Well once again I found this out to be a lie. Well Chrisette Michele as got on her twitter and let it be known.

epiphanygirlI have been mentioned in the incredible source "mediatakeout" how exciting!Sadtosay I nevr herd EGO b4 hot 97 played it!Luv u mrs Carter!Ow!
about 4 hours ago from mobile web

epiphanygirlRt: @ShanyLiyahJenny @epiphanygirl so you were never asked to sing and record "Ego"?<-no pumpkin. But i love the song tho
about 4 hours ago from mobile web


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