Friday, July 3, 2009

All hail the Queen ‘B’

Beyoncé needs no introduction. Houston’s brightest star — yeah, I said it — has broken beyond the bubble of pop divadom and soared into global consciousness.

If that sounds like an exaggeration, consider this — the former Destiny’s Child singer was listed fourth on Forbes’ list of the 100 Most Powerful and Influential Celebrities in the world and third on its list of top-grossing musicians (more than $87 million from 2008-09).

Ultimately, however, loving Beyoncé isn’t about numbers. In honor of her hometown concert Saturday, here are 10 reasons why she’ll always be our Queen B:

1. She sings live: Beyoncé does not rely on recorded vocals to protect her pop-star shimmer. No Britney business here, thank you very much. The Houston diva gives crowds her real voice, flaws and all. Not that there are many. At its frequent best, Beyoncé’s voice is strong, clear and intense, able to project vulnerable emotion (Broken-Hearted Girl) or lioness pride (Diva). Aside from an echo effect that’s sometimes added, you’re getting the natural B.

2. She’s bootylicious: Real women, so the saying goes, have curves. Beyoncé celebrates hers, strutting her physical assets in outfits that often enhance her hourglass figure. In her world, hips are heavenly and backsides are beautiful. Check her performance at the recent BET Awards — a shapely silhouette swaying along to the music.

3. She's a good girl: Barring any unexpected life twists, you’ll probably never, ever find our girl B splashed across the cover of a tabloid for bratty behavior or unsavory actions. We’re not saying she’s perfect, but Beyoncé, perhaps more than any other superstar, exudes class and grace. Witness her reaction — or nonreaction — to jealous remarks from grande dames Aretha Franklin (who balked when Beyoncé referred to Tina Turner as “the queen” during the 2008 Grammys) and Etta James (who threw a diva-fit when Beyoncé was asked to sing At Last at President Barack Obama’s inaugural ball).

4. Her HTown accent: She may not get home as much as she used to, but every time Beyoncé speaks, it’s pure Houston. The ever-so-slight twang. The way she trails off at the end of words. The running-together of words and syllables. If you’re from these parts, it’s comforting, familiar and a bit of a kick.

5. She's, uh, gorgeous: This one’s a no-brainer. And for current proof, look up B’s recent video for Broken-Hearted Girl. Those black-and-white closeups in the car? Jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

6. Irreplaceable: Beyoncé’s musical output, from Destiny’s Child to today, has always been grade-A pop stuff. But once she uttered, “To the left, to the left,” things changed. That wistful, willful kiss-off anthem solidified her status as one of this generation’s most vibrant pop voices. And I won’t soon forget the sight and sound of more than 20,000 fans chanting the lyrics alongside their diva, mussed hair and sweaty face, at the end of her 2007 concert.

7. She sings (well) en espanol: Let’s be honest. There was no need for Beyoncé to record in Spanish. She’s already a cross-cultural superstar. But the Irreemplazable EP was issued in 2007, featuring Spanish-language takes on Irreplaceable, Beautiful Liar and Listen (from Dreamgirls). It also featured Amor Gitano, a steamy duet with ranchera singer Alejandro Fernandez. But the real news was Beyoncé’s near-flawless handling of the language. She’ll show it off again on another Spanish-language disc later this year, which will include Si yo fuera un chico (If I Were a Boy).

8. The Single Ladies dance: Beyoncé’s sexy swagger of a dance — and first look at her Sasha Fierce alter ego — became a bona fide pop-culture phenomenon. The Bob Fosse-inspired video in turn prompted countless imitators, including YouTube sensation Shane Mercado, Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg (via Saturday Night Live) and, most recently, Joe Jonas.

9. Resentment: Doubters of Beyoncé’s immense talent need only give one listen to this track from 2006’s B’Day. It’s a stunner — a visceral, emotional showcase that casts Beyoncé as a scorned, sorrowful woman. You can almost feel the pain in her delivery.

10. That metal glove: Silly? Maybe. But be honest — you’d wear it if you could pull it off. It’s pretty (Sasha) fierce

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